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Wedding Planner

It's your special day! Let DJ Brian do all the work while you take


it all in and enjoy every moment with your guests! Fill out the form


below and send it in. DJ Brian will then contact you to schedule a


meeting to go over all the details and make sure your day is covered


from beginning to end.

Bride's Maiden Name*

Groom's Full Name*

Phone Number*

Best Time To Call*

Select an option

Email Address*

Preferred Method of Contact (check all that apply)*

Service Requested*

Select an option

Extra Services Requested

Ceremony Address

Ceremony Start Time

Ceremony End Time

Song for Bride Walking Down Aisle

End of Ceremony Song

Reception Address *

Guests Arrival Time *

Bridal Party Arrival Time *

Grandparents of Groom (if applicable)

Grandparents of Bride (if applicable)

Parents of Groom *

Parents of Bride *

Flower Girl (if applicable)

Ring Bearer (if applicable)

Bridesmaids/Groomsmen (in order) *

Best Man *

Maid/Matron of Honor *

Song During Bridal Party Announcement *

Song During Bride & Groom Entrance *

Walk-In Preference *

Select an option

Will There Be A Toast? *

Select an option

If Yes, By Whom?

First Dance *

Mother/Son Dance (if applicable)

Father/Daughter Dance (if applicable)

Will There Be A Garter/Bouquet Toss? *

Select an option

If Yes, Garter/Bouquet Song Request (or DJ Recommendation)

Cake Cutting Song *

Would You Like A Dollar Dance? *

Select an option

Preferred Genre of Music (check all that apply) *

Songs that Must Be Played

Preferred Artists/Bands

Any Songs/Artists on the DO NOT PLAY list

Closing Song *

Reception End Time *

Additional info DJ Brian should know




*Please refresh page after each entry*

Song Title*

Artist Name*

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